Friday, May 26, 2017

Six flags

Six flags great America this place is so amazing because it has so many awesome roller coasters. One of my favorite rides was the V2 ride !. I loved it because it went forward and backwards really fast. Another one of the things I liked was that it wasn't too hot outside it was raining and cold. It was still kinda backed however I recalled it being more backed in the summer. The batman and the x flight were pretty amazing too ! I would recommend anyone to go out to six flags in the summer and just have an Amazing time!.

Dinner dance

Dinner dance for the 8th grade only  was amazing because I was there will all my friends and we all were sitting down eating at this very elegant place. The DJ made us all get up and dance to batchta music we all definitely had an amazing time!.This was one incredible night and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Afterwards my feet were hurting so bad because of my shoes but it was worth it !. This 8th class is amazing and I feel like we're the best!.


This book is about a 2 girls Lara Kelly and Bree conners when Lara was in middle school she was bullied. But when she got to high school things changed so much for Lara you see Lara and Bree were best friends. When  they got to high school Bree found it the perfect opportunity to escape Lara's late night depressing phone calls. Bree conners was on the cheer leading team basically all of her life but when she got to high school things changed. Lara decided to try out for the cheer team and she made it!.Bree was upset because Lara took her place days later Lara got a facebook message from this boy Christian Dewitt he flirted with her and made her believe that he liked her.

Then a few days later she gets horrible messages from "Christian" Lara can't take it no more so she decides to do something horrible. You have to read the book to find out what she did and who "Christian really was".I liked this book because it shows a lot of twisted teen drama and how fast friends come and go. I recommend this book because it explains how fast someone's life can change within a blink of an eye. It also shows how it could tare a family apart by one little mistake. This book is incredible and I totally recommend it


Monday, May 8, 2017


The carnival that I went to was in cicero and my favorite ride was the freak out  because it went really high and I didn't have to wait in line. And plus I was with my cousins and my family and we all had a good time plus it was really packed and I seen all my old friends. We all got on rides together and we went to McDonald's afterwards. This was a fun time because we all left in good spirits my family was worried about us being in Cicero because of the violence but it was an amazing time. Mainly everyone was getting along and everyone was in a good mood. We even went into the fun house which has moving stairs and stuff I really loved this weekend I recommend the Cicero carnival!. Even tho I went on some of the rides solo.

This is our world too

This book we were assigned to read is during our CBL class because of the teen activism stuff we were learning about and the one girl I read about was Norvelle smith and she lived in the south side of Chicago. She went to john hope middle school and she got pure pressured to be into a gang but she was brave and rejected them. Then her school held a writing contest and she wanted to be apart of it she decided to write a poem about gangs and how they are brain washing they little brother and sisters in our neighborhoods that gangs are good. You have to read the book to find out if her poem was successful or if it went bad. The reason that I picked norvelle smith is because her story was inspirational and because she was really brave to stand up infort of a lot of people. I've recalled  many of people who were scared for presentations because of the croud.

I thought that this book was a really good one because it gives you a variety of options to read and it explains how life was and they show there life experiences. One of the reasons that I had to read this book is because it was in CBLwhich stands for Challenge based learning. My teacher made us read one of the teen activists I found this really cool because these are teens that had a problem and they wanted to change it. I really enjoyed reading this book and I think you would too even if you don't like any topics that are in this book.You could find one and just start reading it and before you know it you're interested!.


Some of the things that I regret is not making friends with everyone because I had my clique but mostly everyone else did too. But that's one thing I regret because everyone that I had out with is really cool I just feel like I could of been friends with more people or maybe not. I like the friends I have now there a good group of kids to hang out with because they have my back no matter what. They are my riders because if one of us is in trouble or having problems the other one is always right there. We would never leave each other hanging. At least I know that mostly my whole group will be going to Morton west highschool. Which is cool I'm just hoping that we don't split up during highschool because that would really suck.  I know that I have retold my story to my family before. I've  found the group I'm with and I hope that I stay with them through out highschool .

The wonderful 8 last weeks

This last couple weeks I want to make it count because we only have a couple weeks left and we all should make a change for the better for heritage. We have graduation coming up and only a short time of school left I know I want to go out with a bang!. This 8th grade class will be one that I will retell for many years to come. The last 3 years we have spent at heritage getting to know each other and now we're going to be sent out into high school and most of us are splitting up and going to different ways and to different high schools. Heritage class of 2017 will be the best class of heritage. We only have 4 weeks of school left but we do have some fun  days coming up like 6 flags which I'm stoked about because it's gonna be fun. And the dinner dance is also coming up which means everyone is going to look really nice. It's going to be a memory for the class of 2017.