Monday, February 20, 2017


Happiness is swimming in a ice cold pool on a hot summer day.

Happiness is getting told good morning every morning.

Happiness is being with you're  love ones everyday.

Happiness is helping out the homeless on a cold or warm day.

Happiness is helping you're grandparents .

Happiness is taking yourr younger siblings out to the park.

Happiness is helping out making dinner when your parents are tired .

Happiness is volunteering at the food pantry .

Happiness is telling someone there beautiful.

Happiness is paying for someone's order In front of you .

Happiness is walking your dogs on a nice day .

Happiness is letting the next person know that they are not alone .

Happiness is telling your Mom / Dad know that you love and appreciate them .

Happiness is washing clothes with out being asked to .

Happiness is taking your cousin out to eat.

Happiness is helping someone carry their groceries.

Happiness is visiting the children's hospital and letting them know that they are not alone.

Happiness is being a positive person .

Happiness is handing out cold bottles of water to people on a hot day .

Happiness is being happy and being a positive person yourself.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Good life

Nick had to persevere through life, His life  without his arms or legs and he really never gave up so he persevered and persevered means you go through life and you never give up no matter how hard his problems where in life. Nick has also had a lot of confidence to get up in front of many schools and people judging him right of the bat but then he explains his life story and he dosent do it to get attention. He does it to let other people know that they are not alone . This also can apply to my life becaus I had to persevere when the hospital overdosed my grandfather. This was a very hard time for me because he means the world to me and I could never imagine losing my grandfather my whole family was down for that time because it hurt us all. But now he's slowly progressing. I had to stay positive and keep a good mindset so that he could get better. He had to be very strong because when he passed away he did not want to die so he kept on fighting and they where able to bring him back. Now he's having a lot of problems he got fried on his whole left side and he is in depression and where trying to get him better. All he needs in courage to help him guide and he needs to keep going and never give up . Same thing like nick he never gave up

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Hyundai's 'live' commercial

The hyundial's car commercial, It really caught my attention because I've realized how fortunate I am to have people my mother / father with me 24/7. It caught my attention because a lot of kids that aren't able to have their parents for the holidays or special events. The whole story behind this commercial is to reunite the kids back with their Army parents. In this commercial they said that "Millions of people just watched the super bowl, But it wouldn't of been possible without our troops". So basically in the Commerical it points out 1main fact.The one fact is that it's never fun to leave your family behind when you have to go back to work so one special thing that the commercial put together was a live video of his or her family to watch together.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The gift that I'm most thankful for

The gift that I am thankful for is to have my grandpa alive after what had happened. And the reason behind all this is because on November 10th,2015 a tremendous ruination happened. On that beautiful morning of November my grandfather went into surgery at the Hines V.A hospital for his fistula they had to do surgery because both of his kidneys failed and what the fistula does is its a port in his chest that the doctors hook up to a dialysis machine and the machine pumps his blood and cleans it for him. Basically what the kidney does but instead he has a machine do it for him he needs this to live .We are hoping that in a year or two we can get a surgery that gives him a kidney but until then we have to just sit and wait he goes every other day at 4:00 Am .My mom wakes up and takes him to the hospital it's not every far but it's still a drive . Sometimes I go with her because I like being in a car to drive when it's dark out but I get really tired . But anyways on the 10th is when this all happened and it continued in the hospital for 7 more days he was in a coma for 7 days and once he woke they told us that he was never going to walk again. But then there was a miracle he began using the walker to help him walk when he was still in the hospital unfortunately he was in the hospital for thanks giving . That did not stop our family from having the same celebration that we have on thanksgiving . We would normally do it at my house but not that year we brought the party to the Hines v.a hospital we made all the food and brought it to the hospital . My grandfather was very happy to be with us eating thanksgiving dinner it was a very special day for our whole family because we had my grandfather alive with us . But that surgery was a horrible one they caused a lot of heart ache with my family . Because they overdosed him his heart went crazy and he had a heart attack and he had to get 4 stuns placed in his heart to keep it running. While they did this procedure they transferred him to Loyola hospital thankfully everything went okay and he's okay . Now we face so many new battles we have to get used to but I'm just very thankful that he's still alive and here with us. That's the gift I'm most thankful for!.